Difference Between Shared Hosting and Cloud Hosting
Web hosting is the simplest method to add your website to the Internet. There are several types of hosting servers for your personal or business use. You will need to know specifics of this technique to make an informed choice on the company that offers the web hosting that your webpage requires. The purpose for web hosting is practicality. A person with no website experience can create a meaningful site just like a knowledgeable professional. You do not need a web host to create a site linked to the Internet. However, setting up a server from your personal PC takes an in-depth understanding that most people do not want to take the time to learn. That is why web-hosting companies provide simple access to the internet. Anyone can create a site and have it viewed by millions. There are different types of hosting techniques that are used by people. Commonly used, however are, cloud hosting and shared hosting.
Cloud hosting is a very reliable, and affordable hosting solution and it differs from the shared hosting solutions is several aspects. Following is a short comparison that will help you to understand the difference better.
Shared Hosting
Shared hosting is the most popular hosting solution for business and personal use that can suit even the tightest budget. This is when your website is on a server with a couple of hundred others. You upload your website through a browser or an FTP. Then you can make changes on your website directly from the server’s control panel. Shared hosting offers a setup for any scripts your website requires. In addition, they will not apply advertisements to your website. Shared hosting solution means that the user has to share the server resources with other users. If you are hosting your website within a shared hosting service, this means all applications and data resources being used by your account, is also being shared with many other users on one server. Your website will share the same server resources as all other websites on the server such as CPU, Memory, disk space, bandwidth etc. The servers running shared hosting accounts are almost always fully loaded. If one website overloads the server, all users will suffer from low speed, limited disk space, memory issues, and/or downtime.
Cloud Hosting
On the cloud, however, you will not have to worry about these issues. The cloud hosting environment is a dedicated hosting service that allows you to manage and maintain your website within a server that is only dedicated to you. So this means that all resources allocated at the time of creation of your server that become available, are for you to use and you alone. In addition, the cloud hosting has better uptime because the servers are always located in multiple sites. This allows for unlimited expansion and is a must-have for heavy traffic sites. Cloud hosting allows for greater protection from an overwhelmed server. If one server is overwhelmed, you’ll simply be switched to another server.